
If you ever want to reach me, here's my email: adannabanana(at)hotmail(dot)com

Review Policy:
If you ever want me to review a book contact me at the above email. I am open to ARC's and finished copies. I always write my reviews honestly and I try to write 150+ words in them. Also, I post any reviews I write on here, onto Goodreads.  I also am accepting e-books as I just got a Kindle!

Genres I Like: Fiction (YA and Adult), Some middle grade

Genres I Don't Like: Non Fiction

Interviews/Guest Post:
If you're an author and would like me to interview you or if you would like to guest post, I'd be happy to oblige. Just email me at the above email.

Contest (to publishers/authors):
I'd love to host your contest(s). Just email me at the email above and I'll get right back to you.

Contests (to people entering):
Contests that I will host will mostly be open to US only. You have to be 13 years of age and have a valid email address and if you win, you will have to email me your address (otherwise I won't be able to send it). NO PO boxes! Also, please do not send in duplicate entries, they will just be taken out.